Tacloban CCRO offers free live birth registration in February

Tacloban CCRO offers free live birth registration in February

 The Tacloban City Civil Registrar's Office will offer free live birth registration during Civil Registration Month in February. Late registrants and those who have yet to register can apply with the necessary documents.  File photo

TACLOBAN CITY – In keeping with Civil Registration Month in February, the Tacloban City Civil Registrar's Office (CCRO) will be offering free live birth registration to both late and no-late registrants who were born in Tacloban City. 

According to the city's Civil Registrar, Imelda Roa, this annual event aims to allow residents to update their records and ensure that their vital information is accurate and up-to-date.

Late registrants must present a baptismal certificate and the earliest school record as proof of their birth during the registration process. 

However, applicants will not have to secure a PSA Negative Result, as the office will process it through its omnibus verification procedure. The activity is tentatively scheduled for the third week of February, giving residents ample time to prepare the necessary documents.

In addition to the live birth registration, the CCRO will also accept applications for the annual Kasalang Bayan, or mass civil wedding, which will be held in June and November. The office has decided to schedule the event for later in the year to give them enough time to prepare and ensure everything runs smoothly. 

Unwed couples in Tacloban City who have lived together for at least 5 years can apply for the free mass civil wedding.

As early as now, CCRO is encouraging residents to inquire about the necessary registration process and requirements. The office is on the 2nd Floor of the MTCC Building, Kanhuraw Hill, Tacloban City, and is open to serve the public during office hours. —iTacloban (with reports from TCIO)

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