Philippines gets over 1 million doses of Pfizer vaccines; ramps up vaccination of minors

Philippines gets over 1 million doses of Pfizer vaccines; ramps up vaccination of minors

The Philippines has received another shipment of 1,014,390 doses of Pfizer vaccines as the country begins its vaccination for the youth. PHOTO:  National Task Force against COVID-19

MANILA – As the country ramps up vaccination of the youth sector, the Philippines received another shipment of 1,014,390 doses of government-procured Pfizer vaccines. 

Metro Manila received 813,150 doses of the most recent vaccine shipment. Cebu City received its 100,620 dose allocation today, while Davao City will receive 100,620 doses on Friday, October 22.

Carlito G. Galvez, Jr., NTF Chief Implementer, and vaccine czar stated in an interview following the vaccines' arrival that more than 4,000 children have already received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccines, with only four reported cases of mild adverse reaction.

"We are pleased to report that the first week of vaccination of children was extremely successful," Galvez said.

Beginning October 22, an additional 23 hospitals in the National Capital Region will begin immunizing minors aged 12 to 17.

Meanwhile, US Embassy Chargé d'Affaires Heather Variava stated that she had visited one of Metro Manila's hospitals to witness children being vaccinated.

"We're delighted that more are arriving in the Philippines, particularly as a result of our vaccination program for children ages 12 and older. Today, I had the opportunity to visit a hospital in Manila and observe some of the children receiving vaccinations," Variava explained.

To date, 11,682,450 doses of Pfizer vaccines have been delivered to the country, out of the 40 million doses purchased by the government from the US-based pharmaceutical company.

On Friday evening, October 22, over 1 million doses of procured Pfizer vaccines were delivered. (Source: National Task Force against COVID-19/PRESS RELEASE)

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