Tacloban City starts online registration for COVID-19 vaccination

Tacloban City starts online registration for COVID-19 vaccination


Residents of Tacloban City can now register for a COVID-19 vaccination through Tacloban's Safe City website.

TACLOBAN CITY — Good news for Taclobanons! You can now register online for your COVID19-Vaccination as announced today, June 07, 2021, by the local government unit of Tacloban City through the city information office.

How to register for Tacloban City's COVID-19 Vaccination program?

Just go to the official website: https://safecity.tacloban.gov.ph/vaccine-registration/, and follow the steps below for the vaccination:   


1.            Fill out the online form with the details provided such as:

             Your Priority Group (A1-A5);

             Complete Name;


             Active mobile no. and email;

             Date of Birth;

             Occupation; and

             Complete address.

Upon registering for the COVID-19 vaccination program of Tacloban City, you must provide the details in the online form. Once done, you must agree with the terms and conditions and click on "SUBMIT" button.


2.            Wait for the confirmation text to arrive after registration. The confirmation text has these details:

             Unique Code;

             Date, Time, and Venue of Vaccination

3.            Do not delete the confirmation text you will receive as it will be checked along with your valid  ID during the actual vaccination.

Other ways to register:

1.            Through individual barangays; and

 2.            District health centers.

Why do we need to have prioritization?

- To reduce mortality
- To preserve the health system capacity of the country

Priority Eligible A Priority Eligible B Priority Eligible C
A1. Workers in Frontline Health Services B1. Teachers, Social Workers C. Rest of the Filipino population not otherwise included in the above groups
A2. All Senior Citizens B2. Other Government Workers
A3. Persons with Comorbidities B3. Other Essential Workers
A4. Frontline personnel in essential sectors, including uniformed personnel B4. Socio-demographic groups at significantly higher risk other than senior citizens and poor population based on the NHTS-PR
A5. Indigent Population B5. Overseas Filipino Workers
B6. Other Remaining Workforce

Does the vaccine completely prevent an individual from getting and transmitting COVID-19?

No vaccine provides 100% protection from COVID-19. It typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after vaccination. That means it is possible a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and still get sick because the vaccine has not had enough time to provide protection.

In addition, efficacy is measured not only by a vaccine's ability to prevent infection but also in its prevention of severe forms of the disease and of forward transmission. While a vaccinated person may not be completely prevented from getting infected, s/he will still have a reduced risk of getting severe forms of COVID-19. If more people have this reduced risk, then we can more effectively reduce transmission.

For more information on Tacloban City's vaccination program, call the hotline: 0909-628-6631. Take note: Online registration through Tacloban Safe City for COVID-19 vaccination is limited only for Tacloban City residents. —Tacloban News Update (Source: Tacloban Safe City/DOH)


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